7-Day Ashtanga Workshop in Golden Week
David和Jelena是世界上最受欢迎的阿斯汤伽老师之一,他们在社交媒体上发布了寓教于乐的“yes/no”教学视频,在网上引起轰动。他们是有趣的人,可以传授不一样的瑜伽知识给不同层次的瑜伽练习者。不要错过在中国和他们一起练习的机会!David and Jelena have rock the social media with the educational and entertaining “yes/no” tutorial videos in social media, becoming one of the most Ashtanga Teachers worldwide. They are a fun couple that has a lot to teach any yoga practitioner. Don’t miss the opportunity to practice with them in China!
Yuantong Temple, Jiaxing, China
David Robson是传统阿斯汤伽瑜伽的练习者和老师, 传承于Sharath Yoga Center(SYC)。David是多伦多阿斯汤伽瑜伽馆的主理人,在那里他开办了除了印度以外,全世界最大的迈索尔课程之一。
David Robson is a practitioner and teacher of Ashtanga Yoga, in the tradition of Sharath Yoga Centre (SYC). David is the director of the Ashtanga Yoga Centre of Toronto, where he leads one of the world’s largest Mysore programs outside of India.
David 于1998年开始规律的日常练习,当时他还在大学里学习比较宗教学。毕业后, David 在2002年第一次去了印度的迈索尔,在那里他开始了跟随他的老师Sharath Jois的学习。从那时起,他每年都回到迈索尔,深入和丰富他的练习和教学。
David began a daily practice in 1998 while at university studying Comparative Religion. After graduating, David made his first trip to Mysore, India in 2002, where he initiated studies with his teacher Sharath Jois. Since then he has returned to Mysore annually to deepen and enrich his practice and teaching.
In 2007, David was Authorized to teach Ashtanga and now holds a level 2 authorization.
David在社交媒体上因为他的教育性和娱乐性的 yes/no 教程而出名。通过这些视频,他成为了全世界最受认可和尊敬的阿斯汤伽瑜伽老师之一。
David has become well-known on social media for his educational and entertaining yes/no tutorials. Through these videos he’s become one of the most recognized and respected Ashtanga Yoga teachers worldwide.
David teaches the morning mysore program at Ashtanga Toronto, and leads workshops and retreats around the world with his wife Jelena.
Jelena在完成了四年的博士学位(多伦多约克大学政治学)后,开始全职教授阿斯汤伽瑜伽。她从2014年开始教学,现在是AYCT Mysore 晚间课程的负责人。Jelena和她的丈夫David Robson一起在多伦多和世界各地教授工作坊和静修营。After four years of doing her PhD (Political Science, York University, Toronto), Jelena decided to walk away and dedicate herself to teaching Ashtanga Yoga full time. She’s been teaching since 2014, and is now leading the evening Mysore program at AYCT. Alongside her husband, David Robson, Jelena teaches workshops and retreats in Toronto and around the world.Jelena第一次接触瑜伽是通过舞蹈。作为一个有16年经验的芭蕾舞演员,阿斯汤伽瑜伽的结构和严格的练习让她感觉像回家一样。被阿斯汤伽练习的纪律,正念和对呼吸的强调所吸引,Jelena自2009年专注于练习阿斯汤伽。
Jelena first came to yoga through dance. As a former ballet dancer of 16 years, the structure and rigour of the Ashtanga Yoga practice felt like home. Drawn to the discipline, mindfulness of the movement and emphasis on the breath, Jelena made the Ashtanga practice her sole focus in 2009.
Jelena每天坚持练习阿斯汤加已经有十多年了。她曾多次前往印度的迈索尔,向她的老师Sharath Jois学习。此外,Jelena也跟随杰克·康菲尔德(Jack Kornfield)学习, 一位佛教老师和临床心理学家。她已经完成了他和Tara Brach的“意识的力量”课程,以及他们为期两年的正念冥想教师认证课程。
Jelena has maintained a daily Ashtanga practice for over a decade. She’s made many trips to Mysore, India to study with her teacher, Sharath Jois. In addition, Jelena also considers herself to be a student of Jack Kornfield, a Buddhist teacher and clinical psychologist. She’s completed his and Tara Brach’s “The Power of Awareness” course and their two-year Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program.
Adopting the mysore small class teaching format, which is equivalent to private teaching, the teacher can focus all their energy on all students and provide targeted guidance.
Two second level authorized teachers are present at the same time, and whether from the perspective of male or female practitioners, both authorized teachers can provide targeted advice.
David and Jelena follow tradition but also have an innovative spirit. They have been practicing regularly for over twenty years and have taught thousands of students. Whether you are a senior yoga teacher or a yoga enthusiast, both teachers can bring their professional knowledge to you.
A 7-day immersive yoga practice allows for a focused experience of traditional mysore, establishing self-discipline in practice habits, and obtaining a graduation certificate from the teacher after the course ends. Workshop themed course section, identifying and filling gaps, and practicing diligently. At the same time, there is a better connection with the teacher.
7:00-8:30AM 一序列口令课|Led Primary
10:15-11:00AM 调息法和冥想|Pranayama & Meditation
14:00-16:00PM 主题精讲|Workshop
Breathing Moving System: The vinyasa system provides the defining structure for the Ashtanga practice. David and Jelena will provide an overview of the goal of Ashtanga and the vinyasa meditation, and also show you 5 transformational techniques to help you work on deepening the vinyasa in your practice.
7:00-10:00AM Mysore练习|Self-Practice
10:15-11:00AM 调息法和冥想|Pranayama & Meditation
14:00-16:00PM 主题精讲|Workshop
Ashtanga’s Fundamentals: The work of physical precision is embodied focus. In Ashtanga, the focus we create in asana and vinyasa leads us deeper into states of flow and meditation. This workshop will help you sharpen your focus by defining the coordinates and alignment conditions of Ashtanga’s opening sequence of Fundamental Postures.
7:00-10:00AM Mysore练习|Self-Practice
10:15-11:00AM 调息法和冥想|Pranayama & Meditation
14:00-16:00PM 主题精讲|Workshop
Alignment Clinic: Staying Safe in Practice : This workshop offers a survey of some of the classic issues that can arise in the practice of Ashtanga’s Primary and Intermediate Series. Many injuries can be avoided by understanding some key principles of alignment. By learning these simple rules and integrating them into your practice you can stay safe while continuing to do deeper into your asanas.
7:00-10:00AM Mysore练习|Self-Practice
10:15-11:00AM 调息法和冥想|Pranayama & Meditation
14:00-16:00PM 主题精讲|Workshop
Lift Off & Landing: This session offers detailed techniques and alignment cues that will help you find graceful, weightless transitions between postures.
7:00-10:00AM Mysore练习|Self-Practice
10:15-11:00AM 调息法和冥想|Pranayama & Meditation
14:00-16:00PM 主题精讲|Workshop
Backbending: This workshop will explore the basic alignment and actions of backbending. By learning correct technique for the poses, take the pain out of backbending and allow your body to safely go deeper into the postures.
7:00-10:00AM Mysore练习|Self-Practice
10:15-11:00AM 调息法和冥想|Pranayama & Meditation
14:00-16:00PM 主题精讲|Workshop
Alignment & Assists: Physical adjustments are one of the cornerstones of studying and teaching the Ashtanga tradition. In this workshop you will study the ideas and actions for assisting some of Ashtanga’s Primary Series postures. This workshop is open to teachers and non-teachers who want to learn about the postures from a different perspective.
7:00-10:00AM Mysore练习|Self-Practice
10:15-11:00AM 调息法和冥想|Pranayama & Meditation
14:00-16:00PM 主题精讲|Workshop
Arm Balancing: Arm balances show up throughout the Ashtanga sadhana. From the first jump back in the Sun Salutations, the opportunity to balance appears again and again. When we commit to these opportunities to deepen the work of arm balancing, we begin to also develop our confidence and mental acuity.
2024年10月1日-7日(共7天)早上 Morning:07:00-10:00 Mysore10:15-11:00 调息法和冥想|Pranayama & Meditation
下午 Afternoon:14:00-16:00 主题精讲|Workshop
Yuantong Ancient Temple in Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province嘉兴市秀洲区昌盛东路1666号1666 Changsheng East Road, Xiuzhou District, Jiaxing City;
招生要求|Enrolment requirements课程适合所有级别的瑜伽练习者,欢迎有任何特殊情况的同学加入。
The workshop is suitable for yoga practitioners of all levels, and students with any special circumstances are welcome to join.
For those not familiar with self-practice (mysore classes), there will be assistants that will gradually teach you the sequence so you can have the experience of traditional ashtanga.
授课语言 |Language
English with translation to Chinese.
课程费用 |Price
Workshop without accomodation or meals
早鸟价 | Early Bird ¥5980元/人
原价 | Original price ¥6880元/人
Workshop including accomodation and fees
早鸟价 | Early Bird ¥6980元/人
原价 | Original price ¥7880元/人
课程期间标间住宿 ,三餐(两人一间,如需一人住标准间需要补差价840元)
Accomodation in standard room and meals during the course (two people per room, if you need a standard room for one person, you will need to pay a price difference of 840RMB)
早鸟价截止日期8月15日Early Bird Price Deadline August 15th
Prices returned to normal after August 15th. The fee should be paid in full, and once paid, there will be no refund, it can only be transferred.
Yuantong Ancient Temple in Jiaxing City
Yuantong Ancient Temple is located in Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province. Join these amazing teachers for seven days of immersive yoga practice, put down your phone, stay away from the hustle and bustle of the city, and give your mind a break. Three vegetarian meals can purify the body’s energy. In addition to practicing yoga, one can meditate and copy scriptures in temples. This is a different experience of physical and mental sublimation. Yuantong Ancient Temple is only half an hour’s drive from Jiaxing South Station. Jiaxing City is located within the half hour high-speed rail circle of Shanghai, with convenient transportation and tranquility.
Standard Twin Room at Yuantong Ancient Temple in Jiaxing City
报名需预付全额学费,恕无法接受由于个人原因引起的退费, 但可以转让名额。
Registration requires full prepayment of tuition fees. Refunds due to personal reasons are not accepted, but the quota can be transferred.
— 贝拉 Bella —