In this workshop, we offers a survey of some of the classic issues that can arise in the practice of Ashtanga’s Primary and Intermediate Series. Many problems can be avoided by understanding some key principles of alignment. By learning these simple rules and integrating them into your practice you can safely move deeper into your asanas.

Workshop Price: $50
This workshop will be recorded and participants will have LIFETIME access to the archived video lesson

Student Reviews
“Ashtangi’s – these are your people! From beginner to very experienced, this program is for everyone who comes wanting to learn, explore and laugh every session. You will leave each session eager to take a lesson or another element and apply it to your practice with great results. You will learn that its OK to not be perfect right away, that the practice is a journey and how to enjoy it more thoroughly. David and Jelena are excellent teachers who demonstrate dedication, diligence, patience and a sense of humor. The quality of your practice will be enhanced." - Deb (Learn to Count 2020 Student)
“If you think that shala is the only place where you can learn Ashtanga yoga, you are wrong. Jelena and David are inspiring and dedicated teachers. Thanks to them and their energy, you can improve or even learn Ashtanga from your home. The explanations of asana movements are precise; the tips and hints are so helpful. It is the shala experience at your own home that I highly recommend for all Ashtangis but the newbies as well.” -Enita (Primary Series Asana Essentials Student)
“It was amazing to finally be able to take this course with David and Jelena. They have assembled a full curriculum with amazing teachers to take you deeper into your own understanding of the practice and to give you the confidence to share this knowledge with others. I highly recommend this course to anyone looking to deepen their practice, strengthen their teaching, or looking to connect more deeply to the lineage of Ashtanga Yoga.” - CJ (Assisting School Online Student)
About David and Jelena

David Robson is a practitioner and teacher of Ashtanga Yoga, in the tradition of Sharath Yoga Centre (SYC). David is the director of the Ashtanga Yoga Centre of Toronto, where he leads one of the world’s largest Mysore programs outside of India.
David began a daily practice in 1998 while at university studying Comparative Religion. After graduating, David made his first trip to Mysore, India in 2002, where he initiated studies with his teacher Sharath Jois. Since then he has returned to Mysore annually to deepen and enrich his practice and teaching.
In 2007, David was Authorized to teach Ashtanga and now holds a level 2 authorization.

Jelena first came to yoga through dance. As a former ballet dancer of 16 years, the structure and rigour of the Ashtanga Yoga practice felt like home. Drawn to the discipline, mindfulness of the movement and emphasis on the breath, Jelena made the Ashtanga practice her sole focus in 2009.
Jelena has maintained a daily Ashtanga practice for over a decade. She’s made two trips to Mysore, India to study with her teacher, Sharath Jois.
Lastly, Jelena’s true passion lies in promoting rescue and adoption of (street) dogs. You can often find her sharing her love for #adoptdontshop on her IG, and sharing the joys of living with her two fur-babies, Boksoon and Khani, both celebrities in their own right.